2014-09-20 - September Release

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  1. Tathlena

    Mother of Dragons

    Dragon cave

    Hanno anche descrizioni diverse a seconda del colore.

    Viola = Almandine
    "Pyralspite dragons are small, swift dragons that can breathe an intensely hot flame. They get their name from their resemblance to and affinity for garnets of the pyralspite family—they hoard such gems, preferring garnets that match their variant, and can tell the type of garnet from how it tastes. The red-violet variant is referred to as Almandine. Almandine Pyralspites are more aggressive than others of the same breed, and are very witty and love to mock or insult their opponents. They inhabit mountainous areas."

    Arancio = Spessartine
    "Pyralspite dragons are small, swift dragons that can breathe an intensely hot flame. They get their name from their resemblance to and affinity for garnets of the pyralspite family—they hoard such gems, preferring garnets that match their variant, and can tell the type of garnet from how it tastes. The orange variant is called Spessartine. These Pyralspites are more fun-loving and mellow than others, and are optimistic as a whole. Their preferred habitat is coastal areas."

    Rosso = Pyrope
    "Pyralspite dragons are small, swift dragons that can breathe an intensely hot flame. They get their name from their resemblance to and affinity for garnets of the pyralspite family—they hoard such gems, preferring garnets that match their variant, and can tell the type of garnet from how it tastes. The dark red variant is known as Pyrope. They tend to be fiercely loyal and noble, and have a stronger sense of justice than other Pyralspites. They live primarily in volcanic areas."
20 replies since 20/9/2014, 18:09   143 views