Richieste Drago OF

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  1. Sighel

    User deleted

    A volte mi son trovata a spiare le richieste per i nuovi draghi, tant'è che più o meno ho chiaro il concetto su cosa inserirci:
    Bioma - Ispirazione (descrizione fisica) - Descrizione dei vari passaggi (dall'uovo, ai cuccioli e infine all'adulto) - Bozzetti definiti ...
    ma preferirei conoscere il fondamentale perché la mia idea venga accettata e proseguire poi alla ricerca di uno sprites (so che mi manca qualcosa, ma è tutto un intreccio confusionale)
    Qualcuno può ragguagliarmi?

    Mother of Dragons

    Dragon cave

    Allora intanto sappi che i due topic principali per questo sono: uno: dove ci sono le regole vere e proprie per postare un nuovo drago e due consigli, basi e regole per le sprite (ad esempio basi per le crepe delle uova).

    Per ordine si procede in due tappe: Dragon Request è la sezione dove posti l'idea appena abbozzata, a cui magari manca ancora qualcosa come il nome, una descrizione o una delle fasi di preparazione. Qui l'idea si lavora e gli utenti del forum ti suggeriscono come ultimarla, pur restando fedeli alla tua idea iniziale.
    Quando il lavoro è concluso serve l'approvazione di un moderatore per spostare il topic in Completed request, dove rimarrà a tempo indeterminato finchè TJ non deciderà di rilasciare il tuo drago. Prima o poi però succede. XD

    1. Al massimo due topic per utente
    2. Un solo drago nuovo per topic

    Aprire un topic con:
    Titolo: Nome del nuovo drago
    Sottotitolo: parti mancanti al suo completamento, progressi generali del drago

    Q: Ho inviato il topic ma non lo vedo, è giusto?
    A: Non c'è niente di sbagliato, le richieste in questa sezione rimangono nascoste finchè un moderatore non le controlla e dà l'ok per renderle visibili. Se la richiesta viene respinta è per sempre.

    Q: Cosa succede dopo che il mio thread è stato accettato? Come continua il progresso del mio drago?
    A: Quando lo potranno vedere tutti la cosa più importante da fare è tenere sempre il primo post aggiornato con tutte le informazioni necessarie al completamento del drago. Questo aiuta le persone a dare critiche costruttive e chiedere senza dover leggere 20 pagine. Tenere aggiornato il primo post (e magari riservarsi il secondo) aiuta le persone a non fare domande che siano già state poste e risolte o postare nuovi esempi di drago (sketch) mentre state ancora lavorando su uno.
    Il procedimento di solito è così: gli adulti sono fatti per primi, poi i cuccioli e infine le uova. L'adulto è la parte che richiede più tempo e la più importante della tua proposta. Facendo prima uova e cuccioli creerai solo maggior lavoro perchè dovrai rifarli un mare di volte prima che possano dare l'idea di un adulto che non sai ancora come fare precisamente. Le Sprites dovrebbero essere fatte prima degli schizzi preparatori (sketches), ma non è obbligatorio.
    La descrizione ufficiale può essere fatta tranquillamente in qualsiasi momento.

    Q: Se la proposta per il mio drago è respinta posso sapere il perchè? potrò provare di nuovo?
    A: Sia che sia accettato o respinto il tuo drago tu riceverai un PM per avvertirti, e se è stato respinto le ragioni saranno nel messaggio. Io che seleziono le proposte mi impegno anche a rinviarti il messaggio che avevi postato solo nel caso in cui vuoi ritentare. E sì, puoi riprovare, ma stando attento.Sei anche abbastanza libero di mandarmi PM con la tua idea chiedendomi se c'è qualcosa da migliorare prima di postare, o informazioni da aggiungere.

    Q: Ho così tante idee! Posso creare un unico topic per tutte?
    A: Un drago per topic e due topic per utente. Punto. Le richieste di nuovi draghi sono tante e non dobbiamo creare confusione. Gli altri draghi che ti sono venuti in mente potrai sempre postarli quando i primi che hai proposto verranno spostati in completed request.

    Q: Avevo un' idea ma ho visto che è già stata fatta una simile o uguale. Devo lasciar perdere?
    A: TJ stesso ha detto ai moderatori che non vuole assolutamente delle copie. Potrebbe decidere di fare delle gare per migliorare un drago già presente, ma deve deciderlo lui. Quindi la tua richiesta verrebbe respinta perchè semplicemente esiste già. I nomi comunque sono molto importanti, prima di tutto serve una base da cui partire, così è più facile mandare il drago nella completed list.

    Q: I want my dragons to be a whole new breed. Is that okay?
    A: While it’s okay to have a certain set of requirements for your dragon, it’s not necessary to create a new breed just for them. In those cases it’s really only done so that you can feel really special if it catches on and becomes popular. New breeds will really only come around on accident, so please spend your time on your dragon request rather than fleshing out a new breed to introduce to DC.

    Q: My topic hasn’t been added to the progress list (alternatively: my completed dragon was never added to the completed list). What do I do?
    A: Sock (me), Lyzar, Fini, Bec and Pa Tone are all able and willing to do updates to both the progress and completed list. PM one of us with the all information and images (this includes, dragon name, thread link, appropriate art, and proper credits) that need updating and shall gladly do it. But please don’t PM all of us – just one of us will do – and don’t PM us every time you tweak your work in the beginning. PM us to update us for the big things – starting sprites/lines and colors are okay and definitely finished sprites. This way the list can stay as updated as possible.

    Q: My topic is complete! How do I get it moved to the right section?
    A: First, you should put “completed” or “done” or something like that in the subtitle. Then you should PM a help mod (Sock (me), Lyzar, or Fini) with the thread link and ask them to move it. Even with the subtitle, I often miss completed topics until I’m PM’d with them. I most always miss posts saying that the thread needs to be moved – I can’t be active in all the topics in dragon requests, as much as I try to be – and bumps to move the topic will just come off as spam.

    Q: My dragon was on the (completed) list, but has disappeared. What happened?
    A: There have been some cases of the list eating dragons, so it could just be a mistake. But dragons can also be removed from the list because they’ve been accepted and there are plans to implement them sometime in the future…or they can be removed because they are not found to be DC compatible. PMing TJ is the best way to find out what happened. If he didn’t remove it and it did get eaten, PM a help mod or list updated monkey to get it back on.

    Q: Has TJ given us any guidelines?
    A: Yes, and they can also be found in the Sprite Guideline sticky. Here's what he says:

    When it comes to concepts, not every concept has to be special or have something to make it completely different than any other dragon. The site can't have more "rare" dragons (enchanted dragons like the paper dragon, half-animal dragons) than common ones. Someone needs to come up with the common breeds of dragons to.
    Look at it from my perspective:
    Why should I implement 20 dragon suggestions if they're all going to be rare and account for less than five percent of all dragons?

    Thus, it is important to keep the "rarity" of the dragon in mind when creating a suggestion. The site needs common dragons just as much as it needs rare ones, if not more. Don't be afraid to do something similar to what's been done before.

    As for specific types:

    Animal-based dragons don't have to look exactly like the animal in dragon-form. A sprite possessing one or two of the animal's most obvious traits is fine. Sword-fish are so named due to a single trait: Their sword-like noses. It's not like they look like swords with fins, complete with hilt et. al.
    Actually, the same probably goes for dragons based off of anything: food, whatever.

    Overall, I'd avoid:
    Hybrid dragons (half-dragon half-something, different from dragons that borrow a trait from something as their defining trait
    Enchanted dragons "made" out of some inanimate object.
    Cultural references
    Dragons with props
    Color-specific transparency dithering (Sprites should look good on any color background, not just the scroll.)
    Direct, front-on poses
    Poses that only show a dragon from the back, unless something on the back of the dragon is its distinguishing feature.
    Dithering between two sharply-contrasted colors (You'd be better off introducing a median color.)
    Dragons named after geographical locations (Europe doesn't exist in the DC world, so calling something a "European Glider" or whatever doesn't make sense)
    Huge dragon projects that obligate me to release half-a-dozen or more dragons from the same group.
    Q: Can I suggest an alt or a re-color of an in cave dragon?
    A: You'll need to visit the Artist Permissions Topic, contact the artists who did the dragon, and contact them via PM for permission.

    Q: Can I suggest a hybrid of a dragon?
    A: You'll need to visit the Artist Permissions Topic, contact the artists who did the dragon, and contact them via PM for permission.

    Q: How do I get my dragon request approved? What information should I include? What guidelines should I follow?
    A: To get your request approved, we need to see that you’ve thought out the dragon. When we mod requests, here is what we're looking for:
    - An in depth physical description or sketch or sprite
    --- Your physical description must include more than just the color of the dragon. Also think about size, shape, build, wing type and number of wings, head shape, special features (spikes, frills, fur, armor), end of the tail, etc. No sketcher or spriter likes to be bound by extremely strict restrictions, but some idea of what you’re looking for always helps inspiration.
    --- Another dragons description is not a physical description. Saying your dragon has "wings like the embers" and "feet like reds" is not a description. It is a comparison and a copy. Rather, take a look at those wings that remind you of your idea and figure out why, then lay it out with words or do a quick sketch or doodle yourself.
    --- Pictures as references are good and can be helpful, whether you've drawn these yourself, or grabbed it off the internet (with credits to the original artist or site). However, they are also not a stand in for a description. They can help get your point across, but you must also either sketch it yourself or describe it in your own words.
    --- Just because you add a sketch or sprite into the first post doesn’t mean it has to be the one you stick with. Don’t be afraid to ask for other sketches. It’s fine to want to do it all on your own, but be prepared for serious critiquing. Nothing is ever perfect and certainly not the first time around.
    - Breed description; other information on the dragon
    --- Flesh out your concept. Other information about the dragon could be personality, quirks, habits, habitat, diet, mating behavior, why it’s named whatever you named it, ect. We would like to see at least a paragraph with any combination of this information.
    - Biome Info
    --- The biome/s the dragon will be located in need to be included somewhere in your post.
    - In special cases: biological information
    --- A lot of dragons have some special ability or power to do something or some odd physical feature. This is fine, but don’t expect the people who participate in the thread to think everything out for you. Have some idea of why and how your dragon is an amazing flyer without any wings whatsoever (why does the dragon need to fly if it doesn’t have any wings? Why doesn’t it just have wings instead? How is it flying without wings?). Saying that the dragon “just uses magic for all that stuff” is a cheap cop-out and won’t fly. If you are having trouble coming up with any (reasonable) explanation, feel free to PM me. If I can’t seem to help, there are a lot of people I can go discuss it with and help you come up with something. Don’t PM me if you’re just too lazy to do any research or work on your own suggestion – only if you’ve really thought about it and can’t come up with anything good or reasonable (I’ll want to see what you’ve managed to come up with so far).
    - To fit into DC
    --- There is a basic Medieval setting to DC (so you can imagine a timeframe), so a cyborg dragon just isn’t going to fly. Even if you give me ten pages of information on your dragon, it doesn’t fit in with DC and will not be chosen.
    - References
    --- If you have some color or texture in mind it helps to link an example. More importantly, if you're basing your dragon off an animal or a legend or whatnot, make sure you include a reference link or picture, because not everyone will know what you are talking about or be able to picture it right away. When people come into your request topic, it's always nice if they don't have to ask fifty questions to finally understand the concept or have an idea for a sketch.
    - Readability
    --- Your request needs to be understandable and readable, with some semblance of grammar and spelling. If it isn't, how can we help you get work done on it? If your request is too hard to understand or it's too confusing, you can always pop into the description proofreading thread and ask if somebody there will help you whip it into shape.

    Q: Is it okay if my dragon idea is based off of an animal?
    A: Yes, but the dragon needs to be inspired by the animal. You should come up with a dragon, then brainstorm one or two things you like from the animal, and finally fit those traits on the dragon. You should not draw the animal and add wings and spikes to it. Start with the dragon - not the animal. The last part of the last post of the spriting sticky contains more information on this.

    dimmi le parti che non capisci e poi le traduco

    Edited by .:(Hinata-Hyuga):. - 29/12/2012, 19:23
1 replies since 23/11/2012, 22:31   239 views